Wendy Kearney – Producer and Contributor


Wendy Kearney – Producer and Contributor

Favourite Album? – Very difficult, but if I must, River of Dreams – Billy Joel

Favourite Song: Put a little love in your heart Marcia Griffiths
Favourite Film? – Pretty Woman
Favourite TV Series? NCIS
Favourite Place Visited? Thailand
Favourite Book? Shoot Me I’m Already Dead

Most Famous Person with whom would you most like to have dinner? The Dalai Lama

Most Famous Person you have met? The Queen
Favourite Food? Chinese or….. maybe Chocolate
Favourite Sport? To play Tennis; to watch Rugby

As Producer for The Daily and It’s GB Not GQ Wendy’s responsibilities are researching and booking guests, she is also responsible for some aspects of Facebook.

Wendy was born in Scotland, and is proud of her Scottish heritage, although she was brought up in the West Country.  Straight out of University Wendy worked in the Fashion and Makeup Industry before deciding on a career in communications and computing.  She moved to Spain in 2002 intending to retire and joined TRE in 2013.