The TRE Bookshow. TRE’s Hannah Murray catches up with top authors, to discuss their latest releases 08/08/18


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James Swallow is a veteran author and scriptwriter with over 15 years of experience in fiction, television, radio, journalism, and video games. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author of ‘I am Pilgrim’ and ‘Nomad’. His latest is ‘Ghost’, where devastating attacks unfold across the globe

Simon James Green is an author, screenwriter and director. He’s worked on a variety of West End shows including ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Rent, and West Side Story. His first novel ‘Noah Can’t Even’ is being developed for TV. The side-splitting sequel ‘Noah Could Never’ is out now.

Emma Salisbury has written two series of crime novels – one set in Salford, where she grew up, and the other in Edinburgh, where she lives now. Her books have been downloaded over 100,000 times, which makes her one of Amazon’s All-Star Authors. Her latest novel ‘Absent’ features her detective DC Coupland, and is set in Salford. It’s about a gruesome discovery in a block of flats, and is written from the viewpoint of multiple perspectives – enabling readers to see the workings behind a crime.