The TRE Bookshow. TRE’s Hannah Murray catches up with top authors, to discuss their latest releases 09/10/19


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Chris Ryan is a former SAS corporal and was the only man to escape death or capture during the Bravo Two Zero operation of the 1991 Gulf War. He turned to writing thrillers to tell the stories that the Official Secrets Act stops him putting into his non-fiction. His novels have inspired the SKY One series Strike Back. His non-fiction bestseller ‘The One that Got Away’ was adapted for screen, and he has since written over 20 bestselling novels. The latest ‘Black Ops’ takes us behind the headlines to reveal the reality of dealing with Islamic terrorists behind enemy lines.

Alec Marsh graduated with a first in history, then became a journalist, and was named Editor of the Year in 2008 by the British Society of Magazine Editors. His first book ‘Rule Britannia’ is a thriller set in 1936. it’s the first in the Drabble and Harris series. Ernest Drabble is a Cambridge historian and mountaineer, who travels to Cornwall to inspect the decapitated head of Oliver Cromwell….

Liz Cowley is a long-time fan of poetry, who has written various poetry collections like A Red Dress, What am I Doing Here?, and Gardening in Slippers. She has co-written various books with her husband Donough O’Brien, their latest being ‘From One Hell to Another’. It’s based on a true, but largely unknown event during the Second World War. It’s set in South West France, and was inspired by a monument near their house.