Coronavirus (Covid19) Spain: Latest News


After a seven-hour meeting with ministers Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced the following measures

All state authorities at the disposal of the government. It will only be possible to circulate on the streets to buy food, go to the hospital or go to work

As of last night people will are confined to their homes except in specific cases. They are:

  1. Procurement of food, pharmaceuticals and basic necessities
    2. Assistance to health centres.
    3. Travel to the place of work for work, professional or business purposes.
    4. Return to the place of habitual residence.
    5. Assistance and care of the elderly, children, dependants, disabled persons or particularly vulnerable persons
    6. Travel to financial institutions
    7. Due to severe necesity.
    8. Any other activity of a similar nature duly justified.

DOG walking yes, but not long dog walks. You may have to provide documentation 

Similarly, private vehicles will be allowed to drive on public roads to carry out the activities referred to above or to refuel at petrol stations or service stations. 

In any case, the recommendations and obligations issued by the health authorities must be respected in any journey.

In addition a wide range of public buildings, including libraries as well as bars, restaurants, cafeterias, cinemas and theatres will close.

The State of Alarm will last for 15 days.




Limits to commercial activity, restaurants and leisure centers

All premises and establishments that carry out public-facing activity are closed, apart from those distributing foodstuffs and essential items.

Cafés and restaurants are shut, but they will be able to deliver food to people’s homes.

Public shows such as cinemas and theaters are closed, as well as sporting events, museums, etc.

All local fiestas and marches are suspended.

Ceremonies and religious sites

Civil and religious ceremonies, and services in places of worship, including funerals, can go ahead provided that there are no large crowds and that attendees maintain a distance of one meter from one another.

Reinforcements for the health system

Military personnel and health installations will be used to strengthen the national health system across Spain. The Health Ministry will ensure that production centers for health supplies continue to operate, including the temporary intervention of companies, private health establishments and pharmaceutical sector centers.

How will transport and supplies be regulated?

Rail and bus services can are reduced by 50% by operating companies. 

The authorities will guarantee the circulation of goods across all of Spain. 

The supply of tickets for travel available for reservation will be reduced by a third. 

The government will guarantee the supply of electricity, gas and oil, and the protection of infrastructure that is critical to services.

Is the supply of foodstuffs guaranteed?

The authorities guarantee the production, storage, transport and distribution of foodstuffs to the consumer. When necessary, the transport of produce will be under escort, and routes will be established to allow for the circulation of personnel, raw materials and finished products. To guarantee these supplies, the government has powers to mobilize the state security forces and the army.

Telephone numbers

Andalucía – 955 54 50 60

Aragón – 061

Asturias – 112

Cantabria – 112 y 061

Castilla La Mancha – 900 122 112

Castilla y León – 900 222 000

Cataluña – 061

Ceuta – 900 720 692

Comunidad de Madrid – 900 102 112

Comunidad Valenciana – 900 300 555

Extremadura – 112

Galicia – 900 400 116

Islas Baleares – 061

Islas Canarias – 900 11 20 61

La Rioja – 941 29 83 33

Melilla – 112

Murcia – 900 12 12 12

Navarra – 948 29 02 90

País Vasco – 900 20 30 50

Credits to Giles Brown