UK Nationals Applying for Residency – Informative talks and assistance



From The British Embassy Madrid:

This is to make listeners aware of a series of information and one-to-one assistance sessions for UK Nationals that Babelia is holding in collaboration with the Diputación de Alicante and town halls across the region. We know that many UK Nationals may still have questions or be experiencing difficulties applying for residency and these sessions are specifically designed to help them. Babelia is particularly keen to encourage people who may struggle with the paperwork to come along.

People can find more detail, plus information on how to confirm their attendance at Babelia’s website:

For more information on the three organisations providing free, confidential support to UK Nationals and how to contact them visit


UK Nationals Applying for Residency -  Informative talks and assistance Talk Radio Europe  UK Nationals Applying for Residency -  Informative talks and assistance Talk Radio Europe